We believe in maintaining the perfect Work-Life combo to win any race and achieve the pinnacle. We, here, at MicroObjects conduct events that relieve a great deal of work pressure.
Recreational activities are also encouraged by our organization. Activities such as, Shuttle Badminton, Table Tennis, Carroms, etc. are available at MOPL. The informal coffee sessions can be enjoyed by the team at our own cafeteria. Also, not to miss out our annual event – MOJO.
MicroObjects Joyous Occasion, aka MOJO, is the most awaited and loved event of the year by each employee of MicroObjects. One event, where enthusiasm and energy levels hit an all-time high.
Wondering what MOJO is all about?
It’s all about Dance, Music, Sports, and all the crazy Fun. You name it and we have it. MOJO calls in for team effort, where MOPL employees are divided into 4 teams, each vying for the top spot. This is one event where we get to see the hidden talents of our employees as well as witness unlimited entertainment. MOJO is also Family time, a time to meet and greet each other’s family members, and it definitely develops a bond among the empolyees.